Italian - Ribbons symbolize tying together of two lives. A ribbon is tied across the front of the church door to symbolize the wedding bond.

Mexican & FilipinoCoins, Lasso & Veil - Someone from the bridal party or a designated person carries the coins. After the rings are exchanged, the Groom is given the coins, which he then gives to the Bride. The Bride gives them in turn to her Maid of Honor. The Groom’s giving of the coins symbolizes that he recognizes his responsibility as a provider. The Veil and the Lasso are both associated with a wedding prayer during the ceremony. Special additional members of the wedding party may be in charge of "lassoing" the Bride and Groom together after they kneel for the wedding prayer. They drape what is usually a white satin circle of cord around the shoulders of the kneeling Bride and Groom. After the Lasso, the Veil is placed over the shoulders of the Groom and the shoulders or head and shoulders of the Bride. It may have to be pinned in place in order to stay. Thus tied together symbolically, the couple remains kneeling for the prayer. After the prayer and while the Bride and Groom are still kneeling the Lasso is removed by the same people who put it on.

Native American Indian - During the wedding ceremony, water is used as a symbol of purification and cleansing. The Bride and Groom have a ceremonial washing of hands to wash away past evils and memories of past loves.

Spanish- 13 COINS - The 13 coins may be carried into the ceremony on a pillow or in a special satchel as part of the processional. The Groom presents the Bride with the 13 coins to signify that he will support and provide for his Bride.

Greek - The koumbaros, traditionally the Groom's father is an honored guest who participates in the wedding ceremony. Today, koumbaros is usually the best man. It is his responsibility to help crown the couple. The crowns generally are white or gold, or made of long-lasting flowers such as orange blossoms, or of "twigs love and vine" wrapped in silver and gold paper. He also participates in circling the alter three times. Other attendants may read Scripture, hold candles, and help by packing the crowns in a special box after the ceremony. o ensure a sweet life, the Bride may carry a lump of sugar in her glove.

African-American - JUMPING THE BROOM - This is usually performed after the kiss and the Bride and Groom has been presented as husband and wife. A special broom is placed at the feet of the Bride and Groom, and while holding hands they will jump over the broom together to show they have crossed over from their single carefree lives to a responsible domestic life together. The recessional will then begin. The Bride and Groom may opt to keep the broom in remembrance of their special day

Indian - At the close of the wedding ceremony, the Groom's brother sprinkles flower petals on the bridal couple. These are believed to ward off evil spirits. A coconut may be held over the couple's heads, as they are circled three times. This custom is another way of banishing evil spirits. ____Jewish - To conclude the ceremony, the seven marriage blessings are given, and then the Bride and Groom will finish the wine remaining in the glass. The Bride and Groom will begin the recessional. The Seven Blessings from "The New Jewish Wedding By Anita Diamant We acknowledge the Unity of all within the sovereignty of God, expressing our appreciation for this wine, symbol and aid of our rejoicing. We acknowledge the Unity of all within the sovereignty of God, realizing that each separate moment and every distinct object points to and shares in this oneness. We acknowledge the Unity of all within the sovereignty of God, recognizing and appreciating the blessing of being human. We acknowledge the Unity of all within the sovereignty of God, realizing the special gift of awareness that permits us to perceive this unity and the wonder we experience as a man and a women joined to live together. May rejoicing resound throughout the world as the given homes, persecution and oppression case, and all people learn to live in peace with each other and in harmony with their environment. From the Divine, source of all energy, we call forth an abundance of love to envelope this couple. May they be for each other lovers and friends, and may their love partake of the same innocence, purity, and sense of discovery the we imagine the first couple to have experienced. We acknowledge the Unity of all within the sovereignty of God, and we highlight today joy and gladness, Person 2 and Person 2, delight and cheer, love and harmony, peace and companionship. May we all witness the day when the dominant sounds through the world will be these sounds of happiness, the voices of lovers, the sounds of feasting and singing. “Praised is love; blessed be this marriage. May the Bride and Bride Groom rejoice together."

Jewish - BREAKING GLASS - We concluded this ceremony with the Breaking of the Glass. This old custom has many traditions, with many interpretations. At one time it was meant to scare off demons who frequent celebrations. It reminds us of the destruction of the Temples in ancient Jerusalem. It reminds us that it is our task to help reminds us that it is our task to help repair this shattered world. It was also meant to remind us on a happy occasion like this that the world is full of less fortunate people. But, the breaking of glass is also a warning of fragility of a marriage. The Bride and the Groom and Everyone should consider these marriage vows as permanent and final as the breaking of this glass is unchangeable. Groom smashes glass or light bulb wrapped in cloth. Everyone shout "MAZELTOV"

French - Wedding guests bring flowers and floral decorations to the ceremony. During the ceremony, the wedding couple drink from the "coupe de marriage," (wedding cup). This special silver cup is passed from generation to generation in many French families.